
Code of Conduct

1. Every student should carry his/her almanac, identity card and school badge to school every day.
2. Students who come to school on their own should arrive at the school before the bell (at least five minutes before the Morning Assembly).
3. Shifting from one class room to another classroom between periods should be done in silence and in orderly manner.
4. Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all the functions & I.D. Card and school badge is compulsory for all the students.
5. Non Sikh boys should get their cut at regular intervals. Nails to be trimmed weekly.
6. No shouting or whistling is allowed in or around the school building. Running in the corridors is strictly prohibited.
7. Irregular attendance, habitual want of application, insubordination, any kind of cheating or serious misconduct even outside the school premises and any habit or behaviour objectionable to the good name of the school are sufficient for the dismissal of a pupil.
8. Care must be taken of all school properties and no student should scratch or spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture or write or draw anything belong to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the Principal.
9. Any damage done to the school property should be made good by the pupil concerned.
10. No books (other than text books or library books)magazines or paper should be brought to school.
11. Lending or borrowing of money and other articles are not permitted.
12. The school is not responsible for articles lost. It is advisable not to bring valuable/electronic articles to school.
13. Student not availing bus facilities should wait for their parents/guardians in the school premises when the school gets over. In case of delay, they should report to the school office. Those who go home alone should not loiter about on their way but be prompt in returning straight home.
14. Students should observe polite manners wherever they go. Student’s attitude and behaviour is always under strict vigilance. It is expected that they are at the best of their behaviour both inside and outside the school premises. They should always greet the teachers when they meet them. Bullying and use of foul language are punishable offences.
15. The school reserves the right to dismiss a student whose diligence or progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
16. Parents/Guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers during school hours.
17. Unless an emergency arises, students are not expected to seek permission to leave the school before the school gets over.
18. Bursting crackers or splashing colours during Diwali/Holi in the school premises is strictly forbidden. Non compliance with these instructions can result in expulsion from the school.
19. The name and class of the pupil should be clearly marked on all belongings including blazer or shirt of the students.
20. Students should get their Report Cards signed by the guardians within two days of the receipt of the Report Card.
21. Polythene/PVC bags are banned inside the campus.
22. No students will be allowed to repeat the same class for a third time. A student who fails twice for consecutive years will have to be withdrawn from the school.
23. Minimum of 75% attendance percentage is required to appear for the examination. Failing to obtain the required percentage the student will not be allowed to appear for the examination.
24. Application of Mehendi and Nail polish is strictly prohibited as its against the dress code.
25. Necessary information such as Academic calendar, Fee structure, Online submission of School Fee etc. can be easily obtained from the school website (www.gpischoolpurulia.com).

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