

The once quiet villages, in and around Sarbari, in the district of Purulia, has grown into a busy iron and steel smelting belt, with the abundant availability of Coal and Iron ore. GARH PANCHAKOT INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL was founded in 2017 by a group of local educated industrialist, who felt it was necessary and their duty to remain connected with the people, through empowerment educational projects. An English Medium co-educational school became the foremost automatic choice which would uplift the young tribal’s from the villages, to meet the challenges of tomorrow, both in India and the world at large.

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School Management

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What we do for you

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You can’t succeed if you just do what others do and follow the well-worn path. You need to create a new and original path for yourself.

Clifford Frazier - Colorlib Themes

You can’t succeed if you just do what others do and follow the well-worn path. You need to create a new and original path for yourself.

Clifford Frazier - Colorlib Themes


Complaint Procedures

For Students

Nov 30, 2020

Code for Self Discipline

Code for Self Discipline

Nov 30, 2020



Nov 30, 2020

Request for Call Back

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